Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy Birthday, USA!

Yes, yes, I know it's been too long since I last posted. My apologies. Congratulations are in order for Marissa and Jorge on the arrival of their little boy! I can't wait to see him in a few weeks!!!!

Well, the boys and I have now been in the States for 2.5 weeks and we're happy to be celebrating the Fourth today. At the moment, we're at mom and dad's summer home... might go out on the boat today. We enjoyed the beauty of a thunderstorm last night, a rarity in Sweden. Matthew was pretty nervous about it and ended up sleeping downstairs instead of in the kid-perfect loft. As I heard another American say before, Scandinavian weather has very little "drama".

Steen will arrive Friday evening and I hope to spend a few minutes with him before I catch my flight to Vegas for my 20-year exchange student reunion. Hard to believe that it's been twenty years -- I sure don't feel 20 years older! Still, so much has changed in that period of time. So many good, amazing events in my life... marrying the man I have now known for nearly 20 years (and this summer we've been married for 12), giving birth to two beautiful boys who fill my life with joy and (sometimes!) consternation and now another child on the way, and many moves around the world... not to mention unforgetable vacations with family and friends, a variety of jobs, and so on. The list is, thankfully, endless. I am blessed.

The baby is active and the kicking, rolling and tumbling is evident from the outside if you pay enough attention. Went to the OB-GYN here the other day, who said everything is fine and all looks good. He also approved me for travel until I get home to Sweden. The only disappointing part of the visit was his statement that he didn't feel a third-trimester ultrasound is necessary, so I guess the baby's private parts will remain a secret for three more months. Steen thinks I actually know but that I'm not telling him... I wish!!!

The boys are taking swim lessons at the park district, which brings back a flood of memories of my summers as a child and teenager. They're doing quite well -- Matthew was promoted to the next level on Thursday and he was ecstatic. He's got the front crawl down and is well into backstroke. Lucas has learned to float on his back, despite his insistence in the beginning that he would never learn it, and can also do a pretty mean front crawl. Yessir, they love the water, like someone else I know.

I'll sign off with a congratulations to my homeland on its birthday!!!! In my next entry, I'll post some photos from mom's last meeting as Rotary President and from the birthday bash we held for mom and dad's 60th last weekend. Until then....

Yours in the US of A.