Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Frost? In August? Come on!!! The weather forecaster informed us that frost was expected in southern Sweden (south of us) last night. Frost!!!! Come on, guys. It's only August 29! And this morning I saw that snow is expected in some parts of Norway today. SNOW!!!

The Swedish winter is one thing that can paralyze me with fear -- a fear that is far greater than any apprehensions I may have about giving birth to this lovely child I carry inside of me. Already the change in the amount of daylight since the summer solstice is evident. During the early summer, the sun sets at about midnight and rises again at 3 a.m., and it is never really darker than twilight in Chicago in between. Last night the sun set around 8 p.m. and rose this morning at 5. At midwinter, we have only about 4 hours of daylight, and that's assuming there aren't any clouds in the sky. Otherwise, it seems dark all day. The darkness is depressing -- I am a sun-loving Midwesterner, who can handle a serious snowstorm once in a while, but the darkness is another story.

From our window, I can see the leaves changing to yellow... autumn is on its way. How many months until summer???

Monday, August 27, 2007

On the first day of school...

Today the boys headed back to school with butterflies in their tummies and a look of anticipation on their faces. Matthew, our firstborn, is starting fourth grade. Can you believe it??? And Lucas entered what he calls "real school", i.e. first grade. A big day for moms and dads alike.

Last week was a busy one for those of living in this tiny part of the world. Steen's family arrived to help us celebrate Lucas's birthday on Monday night, and we had some great days together. It was great to see Carsten, Michelle, and our niece Emma again. I can't believe how big Emma is already, but her wonderful sweetness is not a surprise given how terrific her parents are.

Lucas turned 7 (unbelievable!) on Tuesday, a day filled with presents in the morning, a traditional Danish breakfast, a trip to an indoor playground, and dinner at his restaurant of choice: Jensens Bøfhus (translation: Jensens House of Beef). The main attraction at that restaurant, for a 7-year old at least, is the all-you-can-eat ice cream bar.

He held a birthday party with his friends on Saturday here at the house. I think everyone had a good time and I'll try to post some photos tomorrow. During the party, I was the beneficiary of a great deal of insight into the thought processes of 7-year-olds. Here are some of the comments/questions I received on the presence of a baby inside my body:

"Where do you get shirts that have such a big belly built into them?"

"Don't worry if you're going to have the baby right now. I know exactly what to do. We will need some hot water, towels, some scissors, and something to sew with and I can take care of everything."

And last, but not least, was the comment from my own son:

"Mommy, you are beautiful. But you sure are fat!"

Yes, yes, they bring us tons of smiles and plenty to laugh about.

Yesterday we went on a mission to find a buggy/stroller for the baby and have picked out one from Emmaljunga. We ordered it but are now awaiting news on how long it will take to have it delivered. To our surprise, we found out that we are running way behind the typical Swedish family on this issue, as delivery of a buggy takes between 6 and 10 weeks!!!! Hm... and the baby is due in 5.

Here's a photo. When the baby is little, it will sleep in the flat one, and when he's bigger (yes, the ultrasound technician say it's a boy for those of you who don't know yet) he'll be in the seated one. They are interchangable.

Monday, August 20, 2007


Saw the midwife this morning and all continues as planned. I'm now 34 weeks pregnant, which means there are supposedly six to go.... eight at the max. The baby is head-down. It's great that it's already in that position, especially as babies that come after number one don't usually move into that position until just before delivery. I have gained a total of 10 kg and no weight gain at all the past 14 days. I'm quite happy with that. She says the tingling I feel in my fingers and toes when I'm sleeping is quite normal and is caused by the water retention.

So now I have to come up with a birth plan and bring it with me for discussion next time. For some reason, the thought of giving birth to this little one doesn't make me very nervous. It's the thought of all that comes afterward in terms of being the mother of a newborn that leaves my mind reeling.

Therefore, I look for humor wherever I can. The latest such event happened the other day when I went to pick the boys up from their summer program. Lucas and one of his buddies were sitting at a table playing cards. There were a bunch of chips (hijacked from an Othello game) between them). "Whatcha playing?" I asked. "Poker!" was the answer. I burst out laughing. How can six-year olds be playing poker? But they did indeed know who had the higher pairs and they kept their rules quite simple. I found myself waiting around for one last hand while they both played "all in". Yes, that's today's educational system for you.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Pictures, pictures, pictures

Matthew and his first catch

Dad and Lucas take the wheel

Grandpa and I at the Museum of Science and Industry

Mom greets guests at the 60th birthday party (Aunt Alice, Uncle Joe and Jessie)

Dad and Mom and their cake (mmmm.... it was good!)

Phuong (a fellow '87-'88 exchange student to DK) and I at the Venetian

The '87-'88 DK exchangee reunion -- July 2007 (20 years)

Matt, Mom and Lucas at the zoo

Steen and Lucas at the zoo

Me, Lucas, Grandpa, Mom and Matt at the zoo

Sunday, August 5, 2007


Yes, yes, I know... again I've been neglecting this blog much too long. My sincere apologies. Also, I am sorry to report that I will be unable to upload photos today as promised. I'm sure you'll understand when I tell you the reason -- an episode of Grey's Anatomy is calling loudly from the TV downstairs!!!!

But I do have some things I want to share with you. First, I'd like to wish my lovely, amazing husband and myself a big congratulations on today. Twenty years ago today (seriously, can I be that old?) we met in a classroom at Helsinge Gymnasium. Twenty years ago today he insisted I trust him to get me safely home, as he was the only other student in my class who lived in the same town as I -- trust him, that is, in his belief that he knew how to get back to our town faster than my original plan to wait two hours for the bus. Needless to say, three and a half hours later (90 minutes of which was spent chatting together at a deserted train station in the forest), I found myself waving goodbye to him after he had pointed in the general direction of my host family's house and said "you live that way!"It took me another hour to walk home from there!

No, we didn't date that year or, for that matter, for many years after. But we did quickly become close friends, a friendship that grew after I returned to the States. Looking back, I am amazed and moved by how much meeting one person in life can have such a wonderous effect on everything that comes afterwards.... and at the time, you have no idea.

I have to also say here that I am soooo blessed to have so many beautiful people in my life -- people who have opened my eyes to the meaning of love, growth, values, and goals.

Second, we had a TERRIFIC trip to the US. The time just flew by and we truly enjoyed ourselves. I'll have to post more about that tomorrow too.

Third, a few days before we left the US, we went to Weber's Grill for dinner. A great place... yummy food and terrific service. In case you missed it, almost everything they serve is made on a Weber grill. And we had a classic kid moment. Matthew ordered his own meal -- a Coke and a cheeseburger. The waitress asked him how he wanted his burger cooked. His response????

"Hm. I'd like it grilled, please!"

How I love my boys!!!!