Jessie, Jeff Jr. and Bradley were the first babies I ever held. I still remember the honor of holding them, and my wonder at the faith their mothers had that I wouldn't drop them or smother them or some other horrible thing. I remember marvelling at their tiny fingers and begging to give them a bottle. How can Jessie, that little baby I was holding just a little while ago, already be married? Such thoughts must have been going through my Unle Joe and Aunt Alice's heads as well, but I could see from the looks on their faces how proud they were of their "little" girl.

Will is a great addition to our family. He's jumped into the inherent craziness that "is" our family with both feet and without a backward glance. I love his sense of humor and the way he's willing to give an honest opinion. Welcome to the family, Will! (By the way, I was never, ever in that room! I don't know what you or Jessie are talking about! Melons on the pillows? Balloons in the toilet??? Who would ever do such a thing?)
As a married person, attending a wedding is always a special event for me. Not only do I get to witness the happiness and innocence of the couple, but I also enjoy the opportunity to recall exactly what it was that Steen and I promised each other so many years ago. When I think back on who we were then -- the thoughts, dreams, hopes and expectations of that young couple smiling so expectantly as Father Sherry led them through the ceremony -- I treasure how immature and gung-ho we were. I enjoy weddings at least in part because they allow me to recall exactly how I felt the day I wed my husband and how I want to feel about him for the rest of my life. Those thoughts are too easily lost in the daily ups and downs.
Like today. Today, my sweet sister-in-law, Susanne, turned 30. I really hope it was a terrific, fun-filled day for her. We'll be celebrating with her this weekend and I can't wait!!!!
However, for me, today has been one of those days where I just felt like crumpling into a quivering heap on the bathroom floor, something like a cup of Jell-o that's been dumped out. The day itself went ok. I'm currently enjoying a week of involuntary single motherhood, as my husband is hanging out at some "very important" surgical conference halfway around the world (and in another hemisphere!). Therefore, I (along with Nicholas) took Matt and Luke to school in the morning, picked them up in the afternoon, and then we managed to get an hour or so of playing (or reading, in Matthew's case) in the sun before I started driving them around in my unmarked taxi to their various activities.
Here Nick is giving Lucas a kiss (notice the sun is really shining!). They are precious, these first wet, slobbery kisses.
But the fun didn't really start until we got home tonight. Matthew and Lucas were so sweet, volunteering to set the table for the three of us while I fed Nicholas his dinner. The lovely tingle of a five-kroner Ikea glass crashing to the floor was the first sign that it was going to be a long evening. I think Ikea makes its glasses so that they purposely shatter into five-thousand little pieces as payback for the incredibly low price. I found glass shards across the kitchen floor, under the table and even on the counter! Matthew kindly fed Nick his dinner while I cleaned up the kitchen.
Within five minutes of the glass crash, Matthew announced "Nicholas is pooping!" We always know when this event is underway, because Nicholas gets a far-away look in his eyes and he makes the biggest smile. Anyway, no biggie right? Wrong. This mom took the poopie-diaper-boy out to the changing table and guess what she found? That's right... the lovely stuff was smeared from his toes to his neck, and then the fun-loving little boy managed to smear it all over the changing table and my shirt. Great imagery, right? As you can see, he has previously been caught in the act of (unsuccessfully) trying to learn how to use toilet paper.
Up to the bathroom we went. Do you know that you shouldn't place a poop-covered little boy over the shower drain if you want to wash him off? Well, I know that now. It's a lesson that is ingrained on my brain forever, since I got to clean up the flood I created in the bathroom while trying to clean my little boy.
Ah well, the adventures of a soccer mom, as Susanne pointed out the other day. Not really who I set out to be or what I set out to do, but a smiles on any one of my little boys' faces make every second worthwhile.
Here our usually smiley Nicholas is angry that I won't let him have the camera. Anything with buttons has got to be fun!