He's also learned how to ride his car and his bike (and get on and off them by himself). No wall, no window, no fireplace can get in this kids way!
Being creative as he is, he uses some non-traditional riding styles.
To celebrate the holidays (or maybe it was to celebrate their upcoming freedom from school?), Lucas's class put on a series of three plays. Lucas played one hungry, oh-so-cool wolf in "The Boy Who Cried Wolf". He must be up for a Tony Award!
Matthew and Lucas recently took part in their first swim meet. Look at Matthew on the block in lane 3... looks like he's ready for the Olympics!
December's been a very busy month for us...
and we've been happy to share it with Gitte, Susanne and Jesper, who all came up from Denmark to visit! All of the boys enjoyed being spoiled with all of the extra attention, and we adults enjoyed good conversation and a lot of laughter.