In just about one week.
And now that change is complete. It’s not exactly warm (only around 65 on most days), but the sun is shining and the streets of our neighbourhood are always filled with playing children. For his part, Nicholas comes home from his daycare and refuses to go into the house. He gets out of the car and heads straight for the playground, regardless of whether it’s pouring rain, and despite the fact that he’s often not wearing any shoes (I usually take them off to keep my car seats somewhat clean).

Playground or bust!

The end of school is approaching, which I think has infected Lucas’s brain with an attitude of “who cares”, as in “who cares about cleaning my room, mom? It’s almost summer!” and “who cares about that approaching bus mom? School’s ending soon!”… all this despite the fact that he’s upset that school’s ending and he won’t get much time with his friends for ten weeks.
For Matthew, the end of school will mark the end of one chapter in his life and the start of a new one. In just a few days, he’ll graduate from elementary school, having accomplished so much in the past few years. I’ll enumerate his many amazing achievements… when we get there. I don’t want to think about how my first little boy is quickly growing up.
In the meantime, celebrate life and celebrate each other!