This year, though, I think the snow fairies have gone a bit overboard. We've had snow for months... and on Wednesday it started snowing again.
I shovelled the driveway Wednesday night before I went to bed.
And in the morning, there was another foot out there! Soon our mailbox will disappear!
Not to mention that the roads in the neighborhood hadn't been cleaned, so the kids and I "snow surfed" in our car to get out to the main road.
On another note, little Nick fell on the ice at daycare the other day and got a pretty impressive gash in the skin just below his eye. There's nothing worse than a phone call from your child's teacher that starts like this: "You have to come and pick your child up and take him to the hospital".
Which I did.
And they glued his little face back together. He was a brave little guy through it all. But he was tired and cranky when we got home.
I'm thankful it wasn't anything worse -- his eye, his teeth, his brain. And Nick is now thankful on a daily basis to tell everyone he meets "I fall! Boom! Ouch!" and point to his band-aid of the day. Today it's Winnie the Pooh. (See, he's wearing the t-shirt his grandma and grandpa gave him... he colors it himself every time he's going to wear it... the ink ran this time though from all his crying....)