Pretending we belonged to the noble set, we booked two nights at a 14th century castle on the Danish island of Fyn. The weather was gorgeous (mid-70's and sunny most of the time) and the castle nearly deserted with only one other couple there the entire length of our stay. We woke to fresh, homemade bread (still warm from the oven) in the mornings, along with different cheeses, ham, bacon, scrambled eggs and fresh juice. We slept soundly after days of exploring southern Fyn and delicious meals in the evening. What a wonderful weekend.
That said, even blissful weekends can pose a challenge for me. One place we visited during the weekend was Egeskov Castle. This castle has some of the most beautiful gardens I have ever seen -- herbal gardens, veggie gardens, flower gardens. It was amazing! There was also a maze, which we truly enjoyed trying to find our way out of.
You see, I've often thought that I would love to take part in that TV-competition called "Amazing Race". Watching the show, I've wondered what the problem could possibly be for contestants who are tasked with walking a tightrope stretched across, for example, the Grand Canyon. I can easily do that, I always thought. However, I learned very quickly on this trip that I am not a fan of wobbly, rope bridges that are perched between trees some 50 feet off the ground (no, I am not in this picture! It comes straight from their website.)

After surviving the crossing of the first one (with some little kid running behind me, jumping up and down, irritated by my incredibly slow pace), I pasted a smile on my face and started singing the ABC's.
"You're doing great, honey!"... Steen must have said it ten times as we crossed bridge after bridge. It seemed like there were 20, but there were probably no more than 5 or 6. Do you know that the ground is waaaaay too far away when you're 50 feet in the air? I wondered the entire time whether I could catch and hold the weight of my pregnant body when the bridge gave out. Yeah right!
Did you know that singing the ABC's to yourself is a very good way to ignore the mass of leafy greenage below you in such a situation? Believe me, it works! Doesn't stop the wobbly legs when you are safely back on the ground, though.
On another note altogether, went to have my hair cut yesterday. I have a great stylist who is (luckily) a New Yorker, so I can actually speak to the man. However, he took one look at me and said "Have they started building new doors so you can get through yet?"
Am I really already sooo big??? I don't think so, but we're just over halfway through. If my tummy doubles in size, I'll just lay on my stomach and the boys can push me around on a skateboard.
p.s. Had a horrible dream last night that I miscarried the baby now... The dream seemed very realistic. When I woke, I was sooooo happy to find myself still pregnant and I nearly burst into tears. A good friend of mine once told me that if you tell someone about a bad dream, it won't come true... so here I am telling all of you.
Tina and Steen
Sounds like your trip was a huge success.... and it allowed you time to reaquaint with each other. I am sure that neither Aunt Pam or I would be good on the rope bridges as neither of us like heights.
Love to you both
Uncle Gene & Aunt Pam
Sounds like a great trip!! Nice to get away for a little while! Almost half way there..
Love, Tricia
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