Day 1
Scratch the relaxation part! Our trip started on a very frustrating note when trying to check in with Qatar Airways in Stockholm. The credit card we had used to book the tickets was stolen in December. At that point, I called the airline to ask what we needed to get on the plane and was told that we just needed a note from the bank stating that the card had been stolen and had been replaced. Done -- letter acquired.
Ha ha!!! The letter was not good enough for checking in. "Sorry", the lady behind the desk says, "this letter is useless. I need the original credit card number." I ask her if she's telling me that we will not be allowed to travel to Dubai, and she just shrugs her shoulders. She can see our reservation but refuses to print boarding passes without the original number. If I had known that, I would have brought it! For the next 45 minutes, Steen tries to talk some sense into her, while I try to get the number. I call the lost-card phone number when I realize that it is 9 p.m. and the bank's customer service is closed. The person on the other end of the line (in sharp contrast to the check-in counter lady) is sweet and helpful and, at last, we have the number and are allowed to check in. Just in time, as they are getting ready to close the gate.
Despite this minor speedbump, we make our flight. Nicholas proves himself to be a dream to travel with (anything, mom, as long as I don't have to sit in that horrible carseat!).
Day 2
We arrive in Doha, Qatar early in the morning and have around two hours to grab something to eat before our next plan departs. The flight to Dubai takes only an hour.
When we land in Dubai, I don't yet know what hotel we'll be staying at, as Steen has kept it a secret. However, I was soooo happy when he told the cab driver to take us to the Ras Al Khaimah Hilton Resort and Spa. It is a beautiful set of buildings with four rooms each set along a mile of sandy, quiet beaches. Flowers everywhere, despite the fact that this is the desert. On our way there we passed camels wandering around near the highway. I couldn't imagine such a paradise in the middle of the desert.
We checked in and had our first experience with the Resort's amazing staff. This experience included the magical information that we had been upgraded to a suite, which the manager took us over to see. Full view of the beach and the water. Beautiful...
We spent the afternoon unpacking and scoping out the place.
Day 3
Beach beach beach. Nicholas took his first dip in the ocean, which he didn't like, and later in the day his first swim in the pool, which he found more agreeable.
Day 4
Repeat of Day 3 without the spa services. We took a shuttle into town in the evening to do a bit of shopping. At dinner, Nicholas kissed his first gilfriend, a blond-haired, 20-something Italian tour guide who fell in love with him. A nice wet sloppy kiss on her cheek. Later in the week, she asked if she could marry him. He has good taste.
Day 5
This was our "see Dubai" day, but since it was Friday, all of the sights we really wanted to see were closed until late afternoon, i.e. until 30 minutes before the only shuttle back to our hotel. Poor planning on our part. We spent the day on a double-decker tour bus, where we learned that in Dubai we should "Do-buy!".
Day 6
Despite my pessimism ("Seriously, I don't think it's going to be a good idea to take a 4-month old on a tiny boat for a day), Steen booked us on a trip to Oman, where we spent the day lounging around on cushions on a traditional boat...
It was just as relaxing as the resort.
Getting into and out of Oman took 3 hours out of our day, but Steen offset that potentially boring situation by entertaining our little tour group. At the checkpoint, he took Nicholas to change his diaper. He walked into the first bathroom he could find, which was a women's bathroom. A women's bathroom in a very conservative country where there are very strict rules about how men and women should interact. A women's bathroom at a border crossing where there were hundreds of army and policemen milling around. Yes, he did. And then he proceeded to lay Nicholas right up on the counter and change his dirty diaper in the presence of I don't know how many women. Well, maybe you had to be there, but it was hilarious. He was lucky he didn't get arrested. Or maybe I would have been arrested. That kind of stuff is women's work, you know.
Day 7
Repeat of day 3, except I had a massage. The most relaxing, perfect massage I've ever had. Can you believe Steen actually managed to lay relatively still on a beach for three of our six days there?
Day 8
6 o'clock pickup. Fog everywhere. Nicholas screaming from his carseat the whole way to the airport (around 2 hours). I'm sure we made that driver's day!!! Then the plane ride back to reality.... and here we are.
Throughout our stay in the UAE, I was surprised by the warm reception we all received. Everyone we met wanted to talk with Nicholas. The service was impeccable across the board. The culture that we did get to experience was interesting and exciting.
Matthew and Lucas spent the week tiring out their thumbs (playing Nintendo DS) and walking Frida the dog at their grandparents' in Denmark. (They did manage to put down the DS and do some other things during the week, like see a movie, visit Susanne and go swimming!). For taking on the boys for the entire week, I send out my thanks to Steen's parents... Thank you!!!
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