If distance were not an issue, i.e. if I could see my U.S.-based family any time I liked without having to travel across days and night, and if there was a true spirit in the world that endorsed the free movement of people and goods across national borders, I would chose to live in Australia. That country has moved me.
Nicholas, Gitte and I have just returned from a two-week trip down under.

We took the trip in order to meet, hold and play with my new niece, Annabelle,

and her big sister, Emma.

One smile from either of those two little girls will melt anyone's heart, and I can already see that many young men will find themselves madly in love with them in the coming years (they'll have to watch out for Carsten -- he's got a plan for any guy who comes a'knockin'...).

I can only speak for myself on this trip (well, I guess I could speak for Nicholas too, although he wouldn't be able to confirm or deny anything). I had an absolutely amazing time! My sister-in-law Michelle and I spent a great many moments chatting, sharing much-needed and much-deserved coffee breaks at Gloria Jean's and Starbuck's (three cheers for Very Vanilla Lattés, Michelle! And for coconut-chocolate milkshakes, svigermor!) and watching our children get to know each other.

Having this time with Michelle made me realize even more how much I miss having her, Carsten and the girls closer. I am so glad that we are good friends, though -- watching her has reinforced my own impression of the value of patience, which she has tons of, and I so enjoyed her - and her family's - company.

Nicholas spent a few days watching his Uncle Carsten and trying to get him to play all wild with him like Steen does.

Nick might have been thinking that Carsten was his dad (they do look a lot alike) and he was totally confused about Carsten's preference for Emma and Annabelle. He got over it quickly though, and instead threw a great deal of his energy into rolling around on his uncle and aunt's floor, trying to grab Annabelle's hair,

and snatching Emma's toys whenever he got the chance. Emma is an angel, though, and she was always very good to share with Nicholas and find something to entertain him.
Carsten and Michelle took us on a three-day trip to the beach, where we rented an apartment with an ocean view.

Michelle and I wandered around, shopping, drinking coffee and talking, while Gitte, Carsten and Carsten's friend Bo spent some time on the beach and in the water. Nick spent a bit of time on the beach too, but we had to leave when he started trying to eat the sand.

We also took a day trip up into the hills near Brisbane, where the beauty of the country becomes even more breathtaking, with types of forests and fauna that I doubt are replicated elsewhere on the planet. Our drive through the hills was followed by an absolutely amazing Italian lunch in a little town one would otherwise probably never visit. I will, however, have to go back again just to have another bite!

I love Australia -- the people and their laid-back style, the variety of cultures, the incredible landscapes, the animals (except for the creepy crawly kind). I hope we can visit again soon!

Gitte and I stopped in Singapore on the way down and back, spending one night each way at the Marina Mandarin hotel.

On the way home, we spent our Singapore day lounging by the pool, enjoying the sunshine and just relaxing.

It was good to reconnect with my mother-in-law, and watch how she and Nicholas adored each other.

I could have never made the trip without her help. I feel very lucky to have in-laws that I care so much about and get along with so well!

p.s. A great-big thank you goes directly from Nicholas to Uncle Carsten for building the highchair for him!
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