Let's see. Nicholas is now nearly eight months old. He's sitting unsupported...
...eating well...
...and rolling all over the house (why crawl when you can roll?). We don't let him roll on the stairs though.
He can do pattycake and he can shake his head "no". The boys love to use this to make him seem silly, as in "Nicholas, do you love mommy?" and then he shakes his head "no". Silly indeed!
He's also growing like a weed. In fact, he's grown over 20 cm. since he was born (that's nearly 8 inches for those of you who are metric-challenged).
He still falls far below the curve in terms of weight. In that regard, we went to see the (infamous!?) doctor again yesterday. I took Steen with me for backup in case she started accusing me of failing to feed my baby again. Nicholas gained only around 400 grams over the past month, but the doctor was suddenly all sweet and nice. Basically, she spoke only to Steen and told him what a good job he's doing with our little boy. I guess my presence in the room seemed to be just an apparition! No matter, though, as she gave us the thumbs up and let us leave without further hassle. She doesn't want us to come back, either, a fact which I find strangely encouraging.
It is also important to note that Nicholas is going to follow in his great-grandfather's culinary footsteps (look at the pleasure on this kid's face!).
We were lucky enough to have Auntie Susanne visiting from Wednesday through Sunday last week. I truly enjoy her company, as do the boys.
Oh, the bugs. In true Scandinavian style, our house does not have screens on the windows. Hence, our house is a bug haven in the summer -- i.e. now. I am not a bug lover. In fact, I hate all forms of creepy crawlies, although I try to be brave whenever bugs are around to keep the kids from being bug-haters like myself. The bugs know I don't like them, so they fall over and die on our windowsills by the thousands, just to keep me happy. Don't you just love summer?
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