Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thankfully homesick

If there's one day a year that I am truly homesick, it is today. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and one that means so much to me. I think of it as a chance to sit back and take stock of my life and all of the wonderful blessings that fill it.

Being away from the US today means that I will miss an amazing, stuff-myself-to the-brim meal made lovingly by my Grandpa. I will miss the traditional pass-the-phone-around calls to family in California, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Ohio and Georgia. But most of all, I will miss the chance to tell those members of my family who are not in Sweden today how thankful I am to have each and every one of them in my life.

We will celebrate Thanksgiving on Saturday with Eva and Steve and their kids, American-Swedish friends of ours. I am so happy that we have the chance to hang out with them, share some turkey, laughter and smiles and I'm really looking forward to it!

The past week has been busy -- Nicholas took his first unassisted steps (he can take five now before he tips over), he began insisting that he can feed himself, all three boys were sick, and Nicholas had his first haircut (which left him looking like a completely different little boy -- not exactly our intention). Over the weekend we got over two feet of snow. Unfortunately, it's melting today, but I wanted to share some pictures of it. In fact, here is a bunch of pictures and one cute little movie.

Happy Turkey Day!

1 comment:

Lummer said...

Hope you had a good Thanksgiving celebration on Saturday! Great pictures looks nice and cold!