In keeping with this adventure-seeking theme, last week the five of us hopped in the car (after a 12-hour session of packing, mind you -- it takes a lot to get a family of 5 on the road) and drove eight hours to Trysil, which is the largest ski area in Norway, at least according to the website.
We were thrilled that my parents decided to join us, taking off on their own adventure to Oslo and then travelling by bus through the mountains of Norway. Once they arrived at our hotel, we spent 7 wonderful, laughter-filled days together, relaxing, skiing, swimming, snowboarding and eating.
Unfortunately, I have very few pictures of the actual skiing part of the trip. I'll post some soon when I get them from dad. But here you get one of Lucas leading his group in the ski show.
Before we left, our every-so fashion concious Nicholas decided to help us pack. And yes, he put this outfit on himself.
On arrival at a ski resort, you have to rent equipment for those who do not already have it. In this case, Nick needed a pair of ski boots. He couldn't wait to wear them! I'm sure that the lucky family who had the room under ours was thrilled by Nick's daily wanderings in his clunky ski boots on the wooden floor.
The hotel lobby was beautiful and I think my dad enjoyed all of the woodworked furniture. As you can see, the boys know how to relax.
Nicholas, on the other hand, knew exactly where he preferred to be in the hotel -- the ball room. During nearly every meal, he'd push his plate away when he was full and announce "balls!" (no funny comments here, please). Then he'd pick his victim -- the person he expected to take him to the ball room. Sometimes it was Matthew or Lucas, but most often he'd turn his charm and his innocent, pleading, puppy-dog eyes on his Grandma. After that, it was all over, and they'd go traipsing down the hall together to play in the ball room.
We enjoyed some fun meals, including a "raclette" night...
And a fondue night.
However, as we had two non-skiiers with us, we had to take another, definitely more interesting, route. We rode in a tank-like military vehicle... the restaurant, which was called Knettsetra. The tank was crowded and noisy, but fun. Mom, especially, was having a great time!
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