A few weeks ago, she had a birthday... I had planned to post this then, but life took over and, as you can see, I haven't posted anything at all in weeks.
A few weeks ago, I met this woman again for the gazillionth time. She took me to see Oprah. Together we dressed up, spent a day downtown and enjoyed each other's company. It's a day I'll never forget... For me, it was a dream come true.
But that's not why I'm writing this today. I'm writing this today to share the list I wrote for why I love this woman -- my mom. I wrote it at the same time that I wrote my dad's a few years ago (which I posted earlier this year...). I've just tweeked it a bit today.
So here you go. 50 reasons I love my mom... and these are only the beginning.
Mom, I love you.
1. For delivering me into the world (no, that's not me she's holding... it's Nick... if you thought it was me, you're 30+ years off. :) )
2. For going to get my bike, which was always blocks away when I fell off it and came home without it
3. For reading Nancy Drew to me on rainy summer days
4. For supporting me in my dream to be an exchange student
5. For sacrificing so much so that I could attend the college of my choice
6. For attending every single swim meet and cheering me on as I swam lap after lap
7. For telling me to get in my very first car, a stick-shift that I couldn’t drive, and saying “just take it out yourself – you’ll learn it right away!”
8. For helping me move from GW to the University of Chicago, even though I had only packed one box when you arrived
9. For packing up our entire house in Denmark when I couldn’t find the emotional strength to do it myself
10. For coffee breaks in comfy Starbucks chairs
11. For offering your shoulder when I broke up with my first boyfriend (and every break-up thereafter)
12. For calling me right away when you can see from an email that I might need some cheering up
13. For taking us on an amazing road-trip vacation to New Mexico in third grade
14. For being a Brownie and Girl Scout leader
15. For finishing your Associates Degree, thereby showing me (in one of a million ways) that if someone puts their mind to it, anything is possible
16. For quitting your job at MDM after they skipped you over for a promotion (go mom!!!!)
17. For being right there, holding my hand, when Lucas was born
18. For going through 6 weeks of missing dad in order to spend them with me at the end of my pregnancy with Lucas
19. For going on the Carribbean cruise with me
20. For being unable to say “Mitsubishi”
21. For being Rotary President and Rotarian of the Year
22. For allowing me to make meals as a little girl from my Mickey Mouse cookbook
23. For coming to me on endless nights when I couldn’t sleep
24. For being there when I got bit by the dog and remaining so calm throughout the entire event
25. For letting go so many thousands of times when you must have wanted to hang on
26. For always believing in me
27. For being an amazing grandmother
28. For having squirt gun fights with the boys
29. For making manicotti and pot roast on request
30. For endless hours spent in my school classrooms going through spelling tests and helping out whenever necessary
31. For my beautiful, unforgettable wedding

32. For teaching me how to shave my legs
33. For making my first period not so embarrassing
34. For attending every band concert and allowing me to play the instrument of my choice (I don’t think I’ve ever actually paid you back for it)
35. For the amazing trips to Disney World, both when I was a child and when I had children of my own
36. For beautiful Thanksgiving, Easter and Christmas memories
37. For your creative spirit
38. For laughter and your sense of humour
39. For showing me the beauty of a marriage
40. For introducing me to faith and God

41. For sharing stories of your family and your childhood
42. For never saying a word as I move around the world
43. For never letting me doubt, even for a moment, how much I am loved
44. For your “Have a great day, Honey” day after day all the way through high school, spoken through a rolled-down window every single morning as I slammed the door
45. For your tears after you dropped me off at GWU
46. For taking the time to teach me how to knit, cross-stich and crochet
47. For trusting me, especially when I was a teenager
48. For choosing dad as your lifelong partner
49. For loving Steen as if he was your own son
50. For sewing endless clothes for me, and in particular, my senior prom dress and my 8th grade graduation dress.
26. For always believing in me
27. For being an amazing grandmother
28. For having squirt gun fights with the boys
29. For making manicotti and pot roast on request
30. For endless hours spent in my school classrooms going through spelling tests and helping out whenever necessary
31. For my beautiful, unforgettable wedding
32. For teaching me how to shave my legs
33. For making my first period not so embarrassing
34. For attending every band concert and allowing me to play the instrument of my choice (I don’t think I’ve ever actually paid you back for it)
35. For the amazing trips to Disney World, both when I was a child and when I had children of my own
36. For beautiful Thanksgiving, Easter and Christmas memories
37. For your creative spirit
38. For laughter and your sense of humour
39. For showing me the beauty of a marriage
40. For introducing me to faith and God
41. For sharing stories of your family and your childhood
42. For never saying a word as I move around the world
43. For never letting me doubt, even for a moment, how much I am loved
44. For your “Have a great day, Honey” day after day all the way through high school, spoken through a rolled-down window every single morning as I slammed the door
45. For your tears after you dropped me off at GWU
46. For taking the time to teach me how to knit, cross-stich and crochet
47. For trusting me, especially when I was a teenager
48. For choosing dad as your lifelong partner
49. For loving Steen as if he was your own son
50. For sewing endless clothes for me, and in particular, my senior prom dress and my 8th grade graduation dress.
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