After reading numerous books about Hovawarts, puppies and dogs, we had expected Bira to cry or whine in the car on the way home, but she was perfectly quiet -- almost as if she was just listening to the babble of three happy kids in the car. They were thrilled about the new addition to the family.
After arriving home, one of us took Bira for a short, investigative tour of her new "outside world" while the rest of us went inside and made sure everything was ready for her. After she'd had a chance to sniff out her new world, we invited her into her new home for the first time.
I have to say that I've never owned a dog before and I was a bit apprehensive with regard to what to expect. But I've now spent a week with Bira and I think we've come to understand each other, respect each other and maybe... just maybe... fall a bit in love. After all, who can look into her sweet brown eyes without falling a bit in love?
This past week we've set up a schedule for her. She's learned to sit patiently while she gets her leash on before walks. She's already learned to walk quite well with us on the leash but we also allow her to indulge in her natural curiosity about the world -- chasing blowing leaves, digging in the snow and sniffing another dog's trail. It's been a fun and amazing experience so far, and I'm looking to many, many years in Bira's company.
And it's been beautiful to watch the boys care for another being as they care for Bira. Bira had been her just one day when Lucas turned to me and said "Mommy, I'm already in love with her." That just about sums it up...
Enjoying some playtime with Matthew.
Hey! You want to take a photo? No way, I'd rather chew on some hair!
Snow! Snow! Snow! Oooh, I love snow!!! (I don't quite know what she's going to do when the snow has melted -- assuming it does at some point. Her world has always had snow in it.)
This weekend we also spent some crafty time, with the boys painting their "fastelavn" masks that they received from Gitte and Ole. They're not quite finished, but here are some preliminary pictures.


Ooh, wait... More snow!

And Nico spent some crafty time building barns out of Lincoln Logs. I was first introduced to these logs in the family room of my grandfather's house. I love them then and I'm glad Nico loves them now. He builds pens for all of his animals. No windows, no doors. Just the pen and a roof. We're not allowed to see the animals when they're inside.
Ooh, wait... More snow!