First, however, I want to share a baking adventure Nico and I shared the other day, when we made cinnamon rolls. Yummy, homemade, American style cinnamon rolls. The kind you have to eat with a fork.
Here's Nico really getting into it. See the flour on his face? How do you paint flour on your face like that when it should only be on your hands? He's spreading the cinnamon sugar on the dough.
But we do have a photo of Nico "after". Guess he didn't get the memo about keeping the flour on the table. His pants were originally green... but hey, I'll forgive him with that cute little smile.
OK, so Denmark. We spent two nights with Ulla, Lars-Ole and their beautiful family... two nights on the farm. And I kid you not when I say we ate... we ate often, and we ate well. We'd finish eating and already be planning what to eat next.
After all, what else is would you want to do when you've got the most amazing kitchen and dining room like this?
Oh, maybe you want to go for a ride on a kid-sized motorbike? Tongue hanging out and all?
Or would you prefer to eat? Maybe these homemade breakfast rolls Lars-Ole whipped up. Just like that!

Or maybe you'd like a good game of fussball???? Frederik, Luke and Matt didn't seem to mind.
Or maybe you'd like a good game of fussball???? Frederik, Luke and Matt didn't seem to mind.
Or maybe you'd like to wander in Lars-Ole's vineyard? Then again, you can just stay inside and sample his wine. I did....

Or maybe you'd like to hang out with your good buddy, Nicoline? Isn't she a sweetheart?

Personally, I love hanging out in the kitchen with Ulla ... especially when she's making these mouth-watering "Festelavn" buns. A pre-Easter/Mardi Gras tradition in DK.

We also enjoyed hanging out with Ingelise and Philip....

And my good buddy Emil.

Personally, I love hanging out in the kitchen with Ulla ... especially when she's making these mouth-watering "Festelavn" buns. A pre-Easter/Mardi Gras tradition in DK.
We also enjoyed hanging out with Ingelise and Philip....
And my good buddy Emil.
On Sunday morning, Ulla and Lars-Ole gave all of the kids a "Festelavnsris" (spelling?). The idea of these colorful, decorated branches is that the children should wake their parents up in the morning by wacking them on the bedcovers and singing a song that goes something like (in Danish, though): "Mardi Gras is my name, buns I do want, if I don't get any, I'll make trouble". Ok, it sounds much cuter and fun in Danish.
In this household, though, there was a clear agreement that no bed-whacking would be allowed... so the kids just enjoyed the candy tied onto the branches instead.
After leaving Ulla and Lars-Ole, we headed out to visit my host family from my Rotary days, Karl-Ove and Anne-Grete. For some reason, we have no photos from that visit, but it was great to see them again, as always. Even though I stayed with them way back in ancient times (I don't dare tell you how long ago), they still feel like my second set of parents.
From their house, we headed out to visit my sister and brother-in-law, Susanne and Jesper. We joined them, their beautiful son Lauritz, and my svigermor and svigerfar for a somewhat belated Christmas lunch.
Here's svigermor looking bubbly as always.
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