Monday, August 15, 2011

The summer that was....

So, I've fixed, or at least figured out a way of dealing with, the rotating picture issue.... Finally!

However, now I have photos in random order, regardless of how I load them -- aren't you lucky? I'll try to keep them to a single subject.

As the title implies, this post covers part of our summer vacation -- the week we spent in Jutland (the Danish mainland) with our good friends Ulla (Steen's cousin and one of my closest friends) and Lars-Ole and their children. We had a terrific week, filled with laughter, smiles, excellent food, and great conversation. Here are some of the highlights...

Lars-Ole, Ulla and Emil on the train at FĂ„rup Summer Park. This was Nico's favorite ride... "mom, can we ride the train again?", "mom, let's go on the train!", "mom, how about another train ride?"

Lars-Ole, Nico and I on the beach on the west coast -- as you'll see in some pictures below, you can drive on this beach. We even managed to get our cars stuck and were saved by some sweet guy who came with some boards and helped us out again.

Luke on the beach -- this kid is all legs!

Matthew and his good friend Emil on their way back from exploring the dunes.

A tea and cake break in the summer house we rented... Nothing says "cozy" like a good cup of tea and some cinnamon rolls...

Frederik and Lars-Ole on the beach...

A pre-stuck-on-the-beach photo -- such a great scene!

Matthew building, or attempting to build, a card house for the first time.

The kids at play in Frederikshavn -- Frederik here....

Luke here...

Nicoline, Steen and Nico strolling down the street.

My cute little one...

Oh, Matthew at play too!!!

Beautiful Nicoline.

Nico on his first pony ride.

Emil waiting patiently in line at the summer park.  A great seat for people-watching!

Nicoline is ready for that license!

Matt and I on the rapids ride. This one was great fun!

Nico and Steen on the way home. Poor kid was sick all night long before we left... then, on the ferry, he was sick again. In fact, this photo is taken 10 minutes or so before he spilled his guts, literally, all over me. Lovely for me, but even better for the woman sitting next to us who got splashed. I felt so sorry for that woman and for Nico!

Nico trying for his license too.

And Emil. Aren't our little drivers cute?

Enjoying the pool in the summer house, slide and all.

Steen & Nico waiting patiently in line for a ride at the summer park.

Back to the pool. (See, you can't get bored with these random pictures.)

Enjoying splashing in the puddles with Nicoline... for Nico, there's nothing better than a puddle, except for -- maybe -- ice cream!

Out for a swing.

Puddle -- despite the order, this picture and the one above are not the same day.

Emil and Ulla enjoying a special moment.

Water gun fight!!!!
 Steen heads of to explore one of the many German bunkers left over from World War II.


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