My lovely family (a.k.a., the 14-year old, the 11-year old and the 4-year old, along with their dad who is a.k.a. my wonderful husband) and I have just spent three incredible weeks in the US. As most of us are US citizens, and as we view it as "home" and all of us have close ties with and thousands of memories from the US, these visits to the US are warming, fun and exciting.
We have so many memories to share from those three weeks that I thought I'd break the trip up into thirds and present you with a week at a time. Wouldn't want to overwhelm you, after all.
After an unexpectedly chaotic trip which started with a cancelled direct flight from Stockholm to Chicago, which was replaced with a jaunt to London, followed by another -- delayed -- jaunt to Boston, where we were forced to spend the night and found out a bag had been lost, we finally arrived in Chicago a day late but none the worse off, really.
After a quick stop at my parent's house, we headed out to visit the eye doctor (don't ask -- long story and something of a tradition) and then up to my parents' summer home. We were very busy there at the summer home, where we spent countless hours lounging in the baking (hot, hot, hot!) shade, watching the kids play in the river, where they seemed to have the most fun playing in the gunk on the bottom... as you can see from Luke's face.
We celebrated the 4th of July here, which in a rare turn of events was not marked by the usual community-sponsored fireworks because of the drought, with all grass being replaced by dry straw. We were privileged, however, to be able to watch fireworks down on the waterfront courtesy of the area's neighbors.
Matthew and the gunk.... Don't ask me why the kids thought this stuff was the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Out to eat... One of our many meals together.
Mom and Nico feeding the ducklings. They would come right up to you if they thought you had food. Absolutely adorable.
Matt and Luke with their early evening catch. I suppose that Luke will be posting photos of bigger fish in the coming days, as he's joining his grandpa in Canada for his first-ever "real" fishing trip.
What would vacation be without the Internet? Note that I am the only one not online!
We also spent a day at Great America, most of it at the water park... Despite the 105-degree heat, we stayed cool and had a blast!
Well, Matt doesn't look like he's having a blast, but he did... I promise!
In the evening, Nico and I rode some of the four-year-old-friendly rides while Steen and the big boys took on the stomach-dropping stuff and my parents took it easy.
In addition to the summer house and Great America, we were happy to celebrate my cousin Rosemary's 50th birthday together with family and new friends. Thanks for having us, Rosemary!
Steen, Grandpa and my Aunt Ruth.
The water-balloon fight at the party -- perhaps a greater attraction than the cake?
We also had the pleasure of attending a minor-league baseball game. It was so much fun and Luke got to serve as bat boy for three innings, care of his sweet Aunt Kathi.
Mom, Luke and Grandpa -- ready for the game.
Dad, Tim and Steen -- think they'll catch a fly ball?
The men in my life -- four generations.
Nico enjoyed the bouncy towers and slides!
Waiting for the game to start....
Luke running for the bat, or maybe to give the ump a baseball?
My sweet niece Samantha!!!! (she's here now -- so happy to have her visiting!)
Me and one of my all-time favorite guys.
The game was followed by the biggest watergun fight in the world.... even my mom got into the action.
So that was week one -- watch for the next installment!
Just curious. What kind of camera do you have?
Ahojda. Ráda bych Tě pozvala na můj web, který je zaměřen především na poruchy příjmu potravy, ale pozor- ne thinspo, ba právě naopak.Najde tam recepty, které nikde jinde nenajdeš..převážně clean eating, tipy, články postřehy...a v brzké době se rozjede projekt na pomoc lidem s PPP, jen čekáme s kamarádkou, kdy ho schválí Na blog určitě mrkni, každopádně si tam najdeš to "svoje". A pokud by se ti u mě opravdu moc líbilo, můžeš se přidat mezi mé Followers aneb pravidelné čtenáře (v levém sloupci mého blogu). Přeju krásný zbytek dne. Andie xoxoxox
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