Monday, July 28, 2008

We're still here!

Just a quick note to let you know that we (i.e. the boys, Steen and I) did not fall off the planet.

We have, however, spent the past month doing a bunch of things... like touring Italy (meeting family, making friends, and eating, eating, eating -- all in the terrific company of Grandpa), painting our porch (this sounds simple, but it takes forever!), going to the beach, and keeping Nicholas from tearing apart every book on our bookshelves, eating every bug he happens to come across (alive or dead) and climbing the stairs.

I haven't forgotten you. The enormity of the post required to cover the Italy trip is mindboggling, but I'll try to pull it together soon.

Until then, here we are getting ready to enjoy some of the delicious Italian cuisine (we did a LOT of eating in Italy!).

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