Thursday, April 2, 2009

Reasons to be an April fool

Yesterday morning at breakfast I put on a very serious face, turned to Matthew and Lucas, and annoucned:

"Guys, I have something very serious to talk to you about."

They put down their spoons and looked at me, a bit worried already.

"Dad and I had a long talk last night and we've made a very important decision. We've decided that we're moving to China tomorrow."

The room was immediately filled with shocked questions of "Why?" "What about the house?" "How can I leave all my stuff here?"

And then I smiled at them and said "April Fools!".

They burst out laughing... and then spent the rest of the day telling me silly stories about how they had to spend the day at the principal's office for poor behavior.

Nick had his own sort of silly day yesterday -- in the bathtub.

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