Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Out of the blue

I'm one of those people who is always using her phone to take pictures when a camera isn't handy.... you know those situations where you think "If only I could catch this moment on film" and your next thought is "Hey! I can! With my phone!".

Thing is, I never use those photos for much except to pass them time while Tina's Taxi Service is waiting to pick up one child or another from an activity. So this week I decided that I'll try to share a few of them with you each day.

Aren't you lucky?

Here's Matthew putting on his I'm-almost-a-teenager face...

In this one, I love the light coming in from above, making Lucas even more handsome than usual.

Here's Nick on the neighbor's trampoline... our neighborhood couldn't have gotten a better form of entertainment!

Nick waiting for his first "real" ride on the bus into the city. He's getting very impatient because the bus fails to arrive at his command...

Nick pushing his buggy home from daycare.

Matt waiting at the starting line for the mini-marathon.

Here's the whole group waiting at the starting line.

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