Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Fun in so many ways

Weeks and months and not a word from me... But that is all changing today... Aren't you lucky?!

These past few weeks have been filled with memorable, cozy moments. One weekend we spent with Bedstemor, who came for a visit. She and Nicholas did a craft project....

And we took her to Stockholm to attend the annual Licorice Festival. If anyone loves licorice, it's Bedstemor. 

I think we were all impressed with the variety of licorice types that we could taste. Everything from licorice ice cream to licorice covered in dark chocolate to licorice parfaits -- if you could put licorice in it, you could taste it (and buy it) here.

Some of us preferred plain old cotton candy to the licorice, though....

A black balloon dress in honor of black licorice, of course!

Nicholas was sure this was a maze he was meant to figure out.

This past Saturday, Lucas took part in a trampoline competition. This is his last year on the "regular" level, as his coaches have said that next year he will be moved up to "advanced", which will bring many more competitions. I don't think he minds.

Here he's waiting for permission from the judges to begin his routine...

While here he is receiving his silver medal.

All in all, we've had two terrific weekends! Here's to many more!!!

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