Sunday, February 24, 2008
To follow the race...
Friday, February 22, 2008
Grunts and bubbles
The "real food" thing isn't going so well. Actually, Nicholas has jumped into the act of eating with a passion our older boys don't show for food. However, I don't think his system is quite ready. The last two nights we (i.e. Nicholas and I) have only managed to sleep about 45 minutes in a row before he wakes again, grunting while trying to fill his diaper. Today I'll cut back his lunch portion from 4 tbsp to 2 and see if it helps.
That aside, the race to become a big boy continues. On Wednesday he discovered his feet...
And he's been sleeping in his big-boy crib for about 10 days now.
On Sunday, Steen will be participating in the Vasa Race, "the world's largest" cross-country skiing race. In one day, skiiers are expected to cover 90 km (56 miles). Given the winter we've had (the warmest in Stockholm in 250 years) and the total lack of snow, Steen has had very little time to warm up his cross-country skiis. He is still bound and determined, though. You can watch his progress by clicking here and then clicking "Add Gadget" (done through Google). His starting number is 867 and you need to put in his last name. Skiiers must reach the finish line by 8 p.m. Sunday night, which should give those of you in the US the chance to follow his progress.
And now for the photo of the day!!!!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Getting the munchies
On Thursday, his very first Valentine's Day, he rolled over for the first time -- from his back to his tummy. Unfortunately, I was in the bathroom and Lucas, who was playing with him on the floor at the time, was the only witness. Typical that I miss a big moment like that! He did it again today, this time for Matthew's entertainment. I was washing dishes. Geez, for 90% of the time that Nicholas is awake, I am with him, but he only rolls over when I'm not!
On Valentine's Day, Lucas made waffles for himself and Matthew. They made for a fun celebration.
Yesterday Nicholas turned four months old. We celebrated by serving him his first "real" food -- a luscious, yummy bowl of rice cereal. We had this great plan. I would show Nicholas how eating works by first pretending to serve Steen a spoonful while Nicholas watched, but that proved unnecessary. As soon as the spoon came near Nicholas's mouth, he opened wide. In went the spoon and down went the food. He finished the two tablespoon's worth of cereal in about three minutes.
He has also begun adding consonants to his ooing and aahing. We've heard B, T and C.
Well, here's the photo of the day.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
A conversation with a tweenie
Case in point...
Two days ago Matthew got ready for school own his own -- as usual. He ate breakfast, made his bed, got dressed and came out of his room wearing a bright blue shirt, blue jogging pants and dark brown socks with bright yellow stripes (bumblebee style). The ensuing conversation went like this:
Me (I start off nice and calm): Matthew, please go back in your room and change your socks. They don't match the rest of your clothes. (In school, the kids only wear socks while they're inside. No shoes. So the socks are visible...)
Matthew: These socks match. They're fine.
Me: Matthew, please go change your socks.
Matthew: Mom, look, I'm wearing grey pants! Brown matches grey! (In my mind, it is highly debatable whether dark brown and bright yellow match grey.)
Me: Your pants are blue!
Matthew: No, they're not. They're grey! Aren't they dad?
Steen: They're blue!
Matthew (starting to yell): They're grey!!!! And who cares? No one is going to criticize me for my socks at school. What's the big deal? Who cares!?!
Me (I am no longer so blissfully calm. I should have just dropped it at this point, but sometimes I still don't know when to let him make his own choices): Matthew, go change your socks.
Matthew stomps off to his room complaining all the way about his pain in the rear-end mom, rips the sock drawer open, pulls out a pair of blue socks and puts them on. He then stomps out to the laundry room, getting louder and louder with his complaints. He proceeds to complain while putting on his coat and boots.
And I realize that I should have just let him stick with the silly socks.
But I am a mom!!!!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
A quick update
Here's little video of Matthew and Nicholas having a chat. Nicholas is crazy about his big brothers.
And here's the photo of the day!!! Have a great one!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Yesterday was a TeaPosy day. What is a TeaPosy day? Well, it's a day where you realize that you are running yourself ragged and that you are in need of a much deserved moment to stop, reflect and relax for a bit. That, my friends, is a TeaPosy day!
Mom and dad gave me a TeaPosy when I was in Chicago over the summer. It's a tea pot for one, a matching cup, and magical tea! It's magical because when you take the tea out of the package, it looks like a tiny dog turd. Seriously! But then you place it gently in your TeaPosy pot and pour boiling water over it. Then you wait and watch and relax for the next ten minutes as your TeaPosy grows into the most beautiful flower -- right there in your tea pot! Sort of like a Chia Pet, but this is beautiful. It's drinkable. It's delicious. And it is by far one of the best ways to force yourself to take a break.
And take a break I did. Right here at my kitchen table. Me and my TeaPosy.
Matthew and Lucas have decided they want to be cooks. Their first creation was "Mouse ran over the clock pizza". It was yummmmmy.
And here's today's photo of Nicholas.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
My little boy reaches a milestone
As it was Matthew's first "round" birthday, we told him he could pick where he wanted to go for a long weekend. He chose skiing, so off to Åre we went. It's reputed to offer Sweden's best skiing. As I stick to the red and blue hills, I can't exactly vouch for that. However, it's a terrific place for families with young children. In fact, twice I was able to hit the slopes with Matthew and Lucas while Steen took care of Nicholas. The boys are excellent skiiers. Lucas has no fear at all and just flies down the mountain (with style, of course). Matthew stays with me most of the way down.
The rest of the time Nicholas and I hung out at the various eateries, since he's not quite old enough to handle the black-diamond runs. I enjoyed lattés while he people-watched.
Last week also brought a big day for Steen and I -- our "copper" anniversary. The copper anniversary, which is the day a couple has been married for 12.5 years, is a very big day for Danes. Our house is therefore now filled with beautiful flowers from our Danish family. Steen and I decided long ago that we would rather take a trip than hold a party to celebrate the big day, so we'll be off to Dubai for a week in the near future.
The boys recently took part in their first judo match. Matthew came in third in his weight class and Lucas came in fourth. They were thrilled to come home with medals hanging around their necks. Here's Matthew in one of his fights...
Last but not least is Nicholas's newest trick -- grabbing his pant legs and pulling them up. He's very proud of his new achievement.