Monday, February 11, 2008


Nicholas is using his voice more and more. He "talks" a lot. Lately he finds a sound he likes and repeats it over and over, getting louder and louder. Usually he does this when he wakes up and is lying in his bed in the morning, but today I caught him doing it for his Eeyore. I think he's warming up his vocal cords -- soon he can join Paul Potts on stage.

Yesterday was a TeaPosy day. What is a TeaPosy day? Well, it's a day where you realize that you are running yourself ragged and that you are in need of a much deserved moment to stop, reflect and relax for a bit. That, my friends, is a TeaPosy day!

Mom and dad gave me a TeaPosy when I was in Chicago over the summer. It's a tea pot for one, a matching cup, and magical tea! It's magical because when you take the tea out of the package, it looks like a tiny dog turd. Seriously! But then you place it gently in your TeaPosy pot and pour boiling water over it. Then you wait and watch and relax for the next ten minutes as your TeaPosy grows into the most beautiful flower -- right there in your tea pot! Sort of like a Chia Pet, but this is beautiful. It's drinkable. It's delicious. And it is by far one of the best ways to force yourself to take a break.

And take a break I did. Right here at my kitchen table. Me and my TeaPosy.

Matthew and Lucas have decided they want to be cooks. Their first creation was "Mouse ran over the clock pizza". It was yummmmmy.

And here's today's photo of Nicholas.

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