On Thursday, his very first Valentine's Day, he rolled over for the first time -- from his back to his tummy. Unfortunately, I was in the bathroom and Lucas, who was playing with him on the floor at the time, was the only witness. Typical that I miss a big moment like that! He did it again today, this time for Matthew's entertainment. I was washing dishes. Geez, for 90% of the time that Nicholas is awake, I am with him, but he only rolls over when I'm not!
On Valentine's Day, Lucas made waffles for himself and Matthew. They made for a fun celebration.
Yesterday Nicholas turned four months old. We celebrated by serving him his first "real" food -- a luscious, yummy bowl of rice cereal. We had this great plan. I would show Nicholas how eating works by first pretending to serve Steen a spoonful while Nicholas watched, but that proved unnecessary. As soon as the spoon came near Nicholas's mouth, he opened wide. In went the spoon and down went the food. He finished the two tablespoon's worth of cereal in about three minutes.
He has also begun adding consonants to his ooing and aahing. We've heard B, T and C.
Well, here's the photo of the day.
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