The "real food" thing isn't going so well. Actually, Nicholas has jumped into the act of eating with a passion our older boys don't show for food. However, I don't think his system is quite ready. The last two nights we (i.e. Nicholas and I) have only managed to sleep about 45 minutes in a row before he wakes again, grunting while trying to fill his diaper. Today I'll cut back his lunch portion from 4 tbsp to 2 and see if it helps.
That aside, the race to become a big boy continues. On Wednesday he discovered his feet...
And he's been sleeping in his big-boy crib for about 10 days now.
On Sunday, Steen will be participating in the Vasa Race, "the world's largest" cross-country skiing race. In one day, skiiers are expected to cover 90 km (56 miles). Given the winter we've had (the warmest in Stockholm in 250 years) and the total lack of snow, Steen has had very little time to warm up his cross-country skiis. He is still bound and determined, though. You can watch his progress by clicking here and then clicking "Add Gadget" (done through Google). His starting number is 867 and you need to put in his last name. Skiiers must reach the finish line by 8 p.m. Sunday night, which should give those of you in the US the chance to follow his progress.
And now for the photo of the day!!!!
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