Sunday, March 18, 2007

Looking towards the future....

Hi Mom and Dad!

We hope that you are enjoying your trip to Branson.... Are you curious as to what is going on? Why in the world do you have to look at this website? What kind of crazy thing is Tina up to now?

Well, we have some news to share and we wanted to do it in a special, more memorable way than a simple phone call. So we looked into all kind of things -- candy with funny labels, event tickets inviting you to the party, or something else like that. We decided on a website for several reasons -- first of all, we can use this from now on to share news with you and photos too. Second, you can share the web address with whomever you like.

So here's the big question....

How about a trip to Sweden in October????

On January 19th, something happened.... and here it is:

You see, rumor has it that the next member of your family will be born in October, if all goes well and if we remain as blessed as we have been the past 12 weeks. We thought you might want to meet your new grandchild... the 7th in a row of grandchildren produced all over the world.

OK, now the tears are pouring down my face. You have no idea how hard it has been to keep this a secret from you for the past many weeks... But now it is a secret no more!!!! Yeah!!! Yipee!!!!

We go for our first ultrasound on Tuesday (March 20th). Well, it's not really the first one -- the gyne did a quick scan 5 days after we had a positive result, but this will be the first "real" scan.

All our love,

The Mom and Dad to be

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