Monday, November 26, 2007

Favorite Things

In true Dave Letterman style, here's today's top-ten list.

Nicholas's Favorite Activities

10. Smiling with a toothless, mouth-wide-open grin (sometimes this is accompanied by a sharp intake of air that sounds like a laugh -- and maybe it is!)

9. Laying on the floor

8. Staring at lights

7. Crying

6. Creaking (he makes a lot of sounds, the most interesting being his ability to sound like an old, unoiled door being opened, i.e. creaking -- a noise he makes whenever he's doing activity #1 or pooping)

5. Sleeping

4. Watching his mobile endlessly turn round and round over his head

3. Peeing all over mom or dad (this often leads to big smiles... see #10)

2. Sitting with one of his big brothers

1. Eating

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