Thursday, March 11, 2010

How to melt a mother's heart

Every so often, when you least expect it, something happens that reminds you exactly why you love to be alive.

And why you love to be a mom.

The other day (pre-ski vacation), when I went to wake my little boy, I had exactly such an experience.

I was met by this sight on his door -- focus on the piece of paper hanging on the bottom, under the photo...

It's not usually there.

If, due to the inability of my camera to take close-ups, you can't read it, here's what it says (exactly what it says... no editing here):

To Momy

Your the best mom
I can ever whish for and
you let my get good food
and you and dad make a
perfect life for me. Love Lucas


Lummer said...

That is too cute.. I like the focus on the good food!

A writing mom said...

I agree, Trish... especially since it's written by the child who won't eat anything! Unless it's pancakes or pizza! :)

Pam said...

WOW...How sweet...I guess you made him pancakes or pizza that night..

angela said...
